Monday, November 16, 2009

Messed up

Messed up....what has been messed up?? Everything was messed up due to tiredness and concentration!!

It's kinda sad & moody when ones happily waiting for something that has been expecting or promised but ended up being delayed or canceled due to some unexpected moments.

How nice or perfect it would be if everything goes smoothly....No mistakes toward everyone's life. A sailor is not able to sail smoothly and peacefully if the weather is not prohibiting. It's always on the weather and also the skills a sailor has!
It's so sad to know that if the sailor is not ready or not up to the skill or in a bad/ weak health with the distracted mind or the low maintenance of the ship! All the passenger in the ships will end up with disappointment and I'm sure without any assurance and action from the sailor, the passenger would not ease their minds. THere comes those unwanted things or feelings pop up in every of the passengers' mind!! Passenger would only trust and relieve when there is some actions taken!

Well, understood that its very different from my other blogs but this is something which is hard to explain and its better to put in other scenario to explain! Sigh!

As a conclusion, my life has messed up due to some circumstances and wasn't sure will this continue to the rest of my life or just a short term period!!!
I can really claimed that human always tend to be the angel and THE DEMON at the same time!!! sighHhhHHHH~~~~~~~

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