Thursday, March 12, 2009


Change? What is the definition of it. I got alot of different definition from stating that..
1. The act, process, or result of altering or modifying: a change in facial expression.
2. The replacing of one thing for another; substitution: a change of atmosphere; a change of ownership.
3. A transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another: the change of seasons.
4. Something different; variety: ate early for a change.

Yes, i really need some change as the meaning shown above. Everything in my life. But how and what I suppose to do in order to CHANGE. I wish to change to be a better someone who have ambition, who have visions, who have directions but in happy ways. But am I able to change.
Life started to get boring day by day. Realizing that every single movement or actions was the same for the past one year. I couldn't imagine any longer how to survive in this kind of situation or environment.

This really affect my life alot as I do not wish to be in the way where I am today. I hate the 'me' now. Everything seem to be unworkable, unsuccessful, luck is not with me now. Can I change my own fate? I'm sure I can but I really wish to have some luck with me at the moment. It's been months that I'm in the moody mood coz of the CHANGE word! Hope I'm able to change to a better me and not a moody me...

I need chanting, I need motivation, I need chances and i need some 'gui ren'. Can angel there help me out??