Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another random blog of mine

Im BAck again...
Well first of all, I would like to apologize to those who have leave comment. I couldn't get to reply you guys after several attempts. I do not know why coz my current office network, I can get to online and write blog but can't give comments...*weird*

WEll now back to the purpose of blogging today!
IT's all regarding freedom again!! LET me Announce to the world!!!! I have already QUIT my current takes me 2 mths here and YES i did suffered alot here..
What a lesson to be more CHINAMAN company for me..It's really 1 leg kick as I've to be "Promoter", 'customer service', 'technician', 'warehouse people' (to pick goods), 'marketier', 'sales people without commissions' and worst "kuli"---to work under the sun!!!!
Wow...I have not notice that I'm actually a mutli tasker... Thanks so much to train me to be such an important and useful people...

Well, after that which industry am I going to venture in? still remained indecisive....Telecommunication? Health/ Medical? Electric & Electronic? Direct Selling? IT LIne?...hahaa.....must really decide well for my OWN good..I do not wish to join for 2 mths then change job again as this is really a tiring and expensive experience I've learnt!!!

So guys and girls...bleesss I'll be blessing everyone to be good and healthy also as H1N1 case is getting serious in M'sia..

P/s: Less outdoor outing as this is really dangerous as U r posing urself to the biggest threat to ur health at the moment...Not to you but everyone around you...
Stay Home more often...everyone!!!

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